
The Network, through the experiences gained over the years by each participating Association, is able to interact at different levels with all the structures involved in the management of cases reported.
These cases involve minors or young patients who have recently passed the age of majority.
Everything happens through a specially created software that can automate the process of internal communication, documenting all stages, and to centralize / reassign cases that require it in complexity, the need for coordination between associations, the changing nature of requirements medical.
Thanks to the efforts of Embassies, Consulates, doctors and hospitals, armed forces, local associations or Hub Guariamoli (specially set up offices abroad and managed by local associations in collaboration with Guariamoli) are collected reports of cases incurable at home ( certified by the appropriate documentation required for local hospitals).
These reports are forwarded immediately to the Network Associations through a special email, accompanied by all the preliminary medical records (DMP) necessary to carry out a proper diagnosis from Italians Hospitals (such as displays).
The association that first checks the availability of funds (directly affecting the Region responsible for the chosen hospital) and the availability to the hospital reports back taking charge of the patient, allowing other interest in the case next Associations without losing time simultaneous checks on the same patient.
Later the same association will contact all the structures in charge of the arrival of the necessary documentation and patient management (Health Department for the availability to care, region and / or other entities for the financing of humanitarian intervention, Embassies and Consulates for issuing visas for Italy, adequate reception facilities in the event of lack of own resources at the city where happens the shelter, contact with other associations for the coordinated management of transport etc.).
During hospitalization the volunteers of reference they are charged to follow the patient and carer in their daily needs, in addition to documenting the treatment process carried out by doctors and allow, through the use of cultural mediators, the parent has constantly updated on the evolution of the therapeutic process followed.
At the end of the hospitalization, the patient and the parent are welcomed free of charge at its facilities Reception, or other appropriate centers for the entire period need to convalesce, after which provides all the necessary arrangements to return home.
According to the Italian doctors, a calendar of cyclic controls compiles the computer system stores and then resubmit, at the appropriate time, in the form of re-entry warning for controls, which triggers the whole procedure again.
Then there are the "informal" contacts of the Associations to check the state of health, to wish for birthdays (that the system remembers each Association with a special warning message) or sometimes catch any anxiety for some small disease that parents, often apprehensive after the incident, report.
In this case we always consult the Italian doctor providing whatever needed to trigger the necessary dialogue with colleague abroad to take the appropriate steps.
If they manifest the need, the Association shall arrange for the patient to arrive quickly.
In this operating environment after all quite clear from the management point of view as regulated by agreements, laws, decrees and declared mode and formalized, are grafted sometimes last-minute inconveniences or emergencies of a certain size such that the Network, in coordination possibly with other available resources, is set in motion by an association controlling everything happen anyway without contravening any provision of the law, but by taking advantage of structures, including at government level Italian and foreign, which help and facilitate the handling of the case based on credibility that has marked the past operation of Guariamoli and Associations.
It is not excessive to say that without their help, we could do little by ourself in these very important cases.
Hospital list ranked by number of patients welcomed
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Roma Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Roma (150 ricoveri)
Viale Ferdinando Baldelli, 41 - 00146 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Tel.+39 06 68591
Ospedale Gaslini Ospedale Gaslini (148 ricoveri)
largo G. Gaslini, 5 - 16143 Genova (GE)
Liguria - Italia
Tel.+39 010 56361
Ospedale Gemelli Ospedale Gemelli (114 ricoveri)
Largo Agostino Gemelli 8 - 00168 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (79 ricoveri)
Via Pupilli, 1 - 40136 Bologna (BO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 051 6366111
Ospedale S. Orsola-Malpighi Ospedale S. Orsola-Malpighi (65 ricoveri)
Via Massarenti, 11 - 40138 Bologna (BO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 051 6363111
IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (62 ricoveri)
Viale Cappuccini, 1 - 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo (FG)
Puglia - Italia
Tel.+39 0882 4101
Ospedale Infantile Burlo Garofolo Ospedale Infantile Burlo Garofolo (62 ricoveri)
via dell'Istria, 65/1 - 34137 Trieste (TS)
Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia
Tel.+39 040 3785 1111
Ospedale Verona Ospedale Verona (51 ricoveri)
P.le A. Stefani, 1 - 37126 Verona (VR)
Veneto - Italia
Tel.+39 045 812 11 11
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari (27 ricoveri)
Piazza Giulio Cesare 11 - 70124 Bari (BA)
Puglia - Italia
Ospedali Riuniti Ancona Ospedali Riuniti Ancona (27 ricoveri)
via Conca, 71 - 60126 Ancona (AN)
Marche - Italia
Tel.071 5961
Ospedale Santa Maria delle Croci Ospedale Santa Maria delle Croci (22 ricoveri)
Viale Vincenzo Randi - 48121 Ravenna (RA)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.0544 285111
Ospedale Guglielmo da Saliceto -Dip.Mat.inf.UO pediatria Ospedale Guglielmo da Saliceto -Dip.Mat.inf.UO pediatria (15 ricoveri)
Via Taverna, 49 - 29121 Piacenza (PC)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Ospedale Padova Ospedale Padova (15 ricoveri)
Via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padova (PD)
Veneto - Italia
Tel.+39 049 8212718
Ospedale Fiorenzuola d'Arda Ospedale Fiorenzuola d'Arda (11 ricoveri)
Via Roma n. 6 - 29017 Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 0523 9890
Ospedale Faenza Ospedale Faenza (9 ricoveri)
viale Stradone 9 - 48018 Faenza (RA)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.0546 601111
Arcispedale Sant'Anna-Cona Arcispedale Sant'Anna-Cona (8 ricoveri)
Via Aldo Moro, 8 - 44124 Cona di Ferrara (FE)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.0532 236.111
Ospedale Maggiore Bologna Ospedale Maggiore Bologna (8 ricoveri)
Largo Nigrisoli, 2 - 40133 Bologna (BO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 051 6478111
Ospedale S.Eugenio Ospedale S.Eugenio (8 ricoveri)
P.le dell'Umanesimo, 10 - 00144 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Tel.0039 06 51001
Azienda Ospedaliera S.Camillo Forlanini Azienda Ospedaliera S.Camillo Forlanini (7 ricoveri)
Piazza Carlo Forlanini 1 - 00151 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Tel.0039 06 58701
Ospedale M. Bufalini Ospedale M. Bufalini (7 ricoveri)
Viale Ghirotti, 286 - 47521 Cesena (FC)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 0547 352111
Policlinico Umberto I Policlinico Umberto I (7 ricoveri)
Viale del Policlinico 155 - 00161 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione (6 ricoveri)
Via Ernesto Tricomi, 1 - 90127 Palermo (PA)
Sicilia - Italia
Tel.091 2192111
Ocularistica Italiana Srl Ocularistica Italiana Srl (6 ricoveri)
via Duilio 13 - 00192 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Tel.06 3210718
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana (5 ricoveri)
Via Roma, 67 - Pisa (PI)
Toscana - Italia
Ospedale Civile di Pordenone Ospedale Civile di Pordenone (5 ricoveri)
via Montereale 24 - 33170 Pordenone (PN)
Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia
Tel.0434 399111
Ospedale Niguarda Ospedale Niguarda (5 ricoveri)
Piazza Ospedale Maggiore, 3 - 20162 Milano (MI)
Lombardia - Italia
Tel.+39 02 6444.1
Ospedale Regina Margherita Ospedale Regina Margherita (5 ricoveri)
Piazza Polonia 94 - 10126 Torino (TO)
Piemonte - Italia
Tel.+39 011.313.4355
Ospedale S.Donato Milanese Ospedale S.Donato Milanese (4 ricoveri)
Via Rodolfo Morandi, 30 - 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Lombardia - Italia
Tel.02 527741
Policlinico Modena Policlinico Modena (4 ricoveri)
Via del Pozzo 71 - 41124 Modena (MO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 059.422.2111
CTO Torino CTO Torino (3 ricoveri)
Via Gianfranco Zuretti, 29 - 10126 Torino (TO)
Piemonte - Italia
Az.Osp. S.Gerardo Monza Az.Osp. S.Gerardo Monza (2 ricoveri)
Via Giambattista Pergolesi, 33 - 20900 Monza (MB)
Lombardia - Italia
Tel.+39 0392331
Fondazione Bambini e Autismo Onlus Fondazione Bambini e Autismo Onlus (2 ricoveri)
Via Vespucci 8/a - 33170 Pordenone (PN)
Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia
Tel.0434 29187
Hesperia Hospital Hesperia Hospital (2 ricoveri)
Via Arquà, 80/A - 41125 Modena (MO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.059 449111
Ospedale Bellaria Ospedale Bellaria (2 ricoveri)
Via Altura, 3 - 40139 Bologna (BO)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.+39 051 6225111
Ospedale di Belcolle - Viterbo Ospedale di Belcolle - Viterbo (2 ricoveri)
Strada Sammartinese - Viterbo (VT)
Lazio - Italia
Tel.0761 3391
Ospedale G. Pasquinucci Opa Ospedale G. Pasquinucci Opa (2 ricoveri)
Via Aurelia Sud Montepepe - 54100 Massa (MS)
Toscana - Italia
Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo (2 ricoveri)
Largo Barozzi, 1 - 24128 Bergamo (BG)
Lombardia - Italia
Tel.+39 035 269111
Azienda Ospedaliera Senese Azienda Ospedaliera Senese (1 ricoveri)
Viale Mario Bracci, 16 - 63100 Siena (SI)
Toscana - Italia
Tel.0577 585111
Nave Cavour Nave Cavour (1 ricoveri)
- Taranto (TA)
Puglia - Italia
Ospedale Aosta Ospedale Aosta (1 ricoveri)
viale Ginevra 3 - 11100 Aosta (AO)
Val d'Aosta - Italia
Tel.0165 54 31
Ospedale Infermi Rimini Ospedale Infermi Rimini (1 ricoveri)
Viale Settembrini 2 - 47923 Rimini (RN)
Emilia Romagna - Italia
Tel.0541 705111
Ospedale Israelitico Ospedale Israelitico (1 ricoveri)
Via Fulda 14 - 00148 Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia
Ospedale San Camillo di Venezia I.R.C.C.S. Ospedale San Camillo di Venezia I.R.C.C.S. (1 ricoveri)
Via Alberoni 70 - 30126 Lido di Venezia (VE)
Veneto - Italia
Tel.041 22 07 263
Policlinico San Marco Policlinico San Marco (1 ricoveri)
Via Zanotto, 40 - 30173 Mestre (VE)
Veneto - Italia
Tel.041 5071618
Presidio Ospedaliero Santo Spirito In Sassia Presidio Ospedaliero Santo Spirito In Sassia (1 ricoveri)
Lungotevere in Sassia 1 - Roma (RM)
Lazio - Italia